47 CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
laser and auxiliary gas, and they do not cause the coordinate system to deviate, you can click directly
“Return Zero” to go to the zero point.
Case Two
If the mechanical coordinate deviates due to suddenly power failure or servo alarm, we
recommend the users to perform “Go Origin”, reset the mechanical coordinate system, and then click
“Return Zero” to find the zero point.
4.2 Alarms
CypCut will monitor all the parts during the running of the machine. Once it monitors the
alarms, it will display immediately the alarm in red title bar and take measures such as stopping the
motion. Before the software alarms are removed, many operations will be forbidden, and users need to
check the machine and operation again after the alarms are canceled. One example of the alarm is as
shown below.
Except the title bar, the “Alarm Window” at the lower left corner of the interface can also display
the alarm information. After the alarms are removed, the red display of the title bar will disappear,
however, the information in the “Alarm Window” will be retained. You can look over all the history
by double clicking “System Window”, so that you can find out the events happened during the
running of the software.
In addition to the alarms, if CypCut detects other operation exceptions, it will display the
exceptions in different colors on the “Alarm Window” according to the exception levels, which
include warning, reminding, message and so on. This information will not cause the machine to stop
moving, however, it will still suggest you to pay attention to the information shown by the software in
time so that you can take the necessary measures as soon as possible.
4.3 Manual Testing
The functions of the manual control on the console are shown in the following figure: