39 CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
As shown above, the X-coordinate of power / frequency curve represents cutting speed, while the
Y-coordinate represents cutting power / frequency, with a unit in percentage. You can add the
appropriate speed corresponding to power point and select the curve smoothing pattern. You can also
click “
” to copy the power curve as frequency curve. By this table, it can reflect
the percentage of actual power/ frequency in cutting power/ frequency when the actual movement
reaches the turning and the speed drops to a few percent of target speed. Note: Adjusting frequency in
real-time makes sense only after selecting “Dymc Pwr Adj”.
For example, if the laser power is 500W, after setting the cutting speed to be 100mm/s, peak
current to be 90% and cutting power to be 80%, when the actual cutting speed drops down to
29mm/s, the power of laser is as follows:
Laser power X Peak current (percentage) X Cutting power (percentage) X Speed following
power (percentage) X =500W X 90% X 80% X 79.00%= 284.4W