31 CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
Auto Nest needs to set some parameters. "Gap" means setting a size not smaller than the distance
between the parts and components; "Plate Margin" parameter specifies the plate border of parts
nesting remained; "Rotation Angle" refers to the adjustment angle of rotating parts during nesting, and
in the case of not allowing to have relative rotation between parts and plates, lease select "prohibit
rotation"; "Nesting direction" means a direction where the parts is close to the plates.
“Nesting strategy” means the strategy that is used to calculate the results of nesting by the
program. Currently, auto nest offers five strategies:
Search pattern: Nesting depends on searching shape-matched parts of outline to be ranked space,
and nesting results is relatively close between parts.
Stack pattern: The nesting strategies that parts occupied space height is in average growth; when
the nesting result is that height of space occupied by parts is lower and more average, larger rectangle
remnant can be generated.
Array pattern: Arrange parts into the plate by array pattern when parts have fewer types; It is
recommended to use this strategy, especially when single part nesting.