XC3000Series Motion Control System of Laser Cutting - User Manual
· Detect from the current position of the cutting head: select, and the edge detection will start from the current
position of the cutting head. After selecting, please move the cutting head into the range of the sheet to make sure there
is a sheet under cutting head.
· Detect edge from the start point: select, and the edge detection will start from a fixed position. Move the cutting head
into the range of the sheet and click on Save start point button. The current position of the cutting head will be recorded
as a fixed position for detecting edge.
· Calculate rotation angle: the rotation angle obtained by edge detection.
· Detailed parameters of edge detection: Set the basic parameters for capacitive edge detection.
· Height: the height from the cutting head to the plate in the process of edge detection.
· Step height: the sensitive degree in edge detection. The higher the value, the less sensitive it is with greater Z-axis
over-move distance. The smaller the value, the more sensitive it is with greater probability of mistakenly detecting a plate
undulation as its margin.
· Speed: set the speed of edge detection.
· XY-axis zero correction: after edge detection, correct the edge detection result by setting a positive value to shift
inwards and a negative value to shift outwards.
· Click on the drop-down button under Edge Detection. Select Clear Angle after Task Ends in the drop-down bar. The
edge detection angle will be cleared each time after processing is completed.
· Click on the drop-down button under Edge Detection. Select Clear EdgeDetect Angle in the drop-down bar. The current
edge detection angle will be cleared.
· Manual Edge Detection
Click on the drop-down button under Edge
Detect button in the CNC sub-page. Select
Manual Edge Detect and the setting
interface will pop up, as shown on the left:
According to the diagram, the plate is
placed at an angle. Click on the button for
axis movement to move to the X-axis edge.
Click on P1 to obtain the coordinate of
Point 1. Click on the button for axis
movement to move to another point on the
X-axis edge. Click on P2 to obtain the
coordinate of Point 2. Click on Calculate
Angle, and the setting completes. The
result will be shown below the drawing
area, as shown below:
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