XC3000Series Motion Control System of Laser Cutting - User Manual
(6) Rotate CCW45°: select the graphic to be rotated and click on Rotate CCW45° to complete.
(7) Rotate CW45°: select the graphic to be rotated and click on Rotate CW45° to complete.
(8) Rotate CCW90°: select the graphic to be rotated and click on Rotate CCW90° to complete.
(9) Rotate CW90°: select the graphic to be rotated and click on Rotate CW90° to complete.
(10) Rotate 180°: select the graphic to be rotated and click on Rotate 180° to complete.
(11) Rotate: select the graphic to be rotated and click on Rotate. Click on anywhere in the drawing area for a reference
point. Move the mouse to drag the graphic to any position and click on anywhere to complete, as shown below:
2.1.6 Leadline
Add the lead-in and lead-out lines for the selected graphic. Supported types include line, arc, and line + arc. Supported
lead-in positions include vertex (On Endpoint), long edge (On Center of Long) and start point (On StartPoint). There are
options to choose to use the leadline to the closed graphics and cross-check after added or not, as shown below:
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