XC3000Series Motion Control System of Laser Cutting - User Manual
Cutting speed: when the set processing speed is faster than it, it will be the maximum speed limit for jog cutting.
Stop ditch (Step height): the larger the value, the less sensitive the detection to the plate margin is, and the greater the
Z-axis over move distance. The smaller the value, the more sensitive it is and the greater the probability of mistakenly
detecting a plate undulation as its margin.
4.3 Processing Control
click on Start to start the processing or resume if paused. After clicking on it, the mode interface will
display auto-operating status.
click on Pause when the program is running, and the auto processing will pause. The mode
interface will display auto-paused status.
click on Stop, and the processing will reset to the initial status and to be ready again.
click on Frame, and the cutting head will move along the outer contour of the graphic in a
rectangle shape for users to observe the graphic position in the plate.
simulate before processing. Click on Simu, and confirm the cutting path by simulation.
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