XC3000Series Motion Control System of Laser Cutting - User Manual
2.3.4 Advanced Parameter
a. Starting: set the start point of nesting.
b. Nesting Dir: set the priority of nesting direction.
c. Rotation Angle: refers to the angle of each placement when placing the part (the smaller the angle, the better the
result and the slower the nesting speed).
d. Nesting: refers to the precision of nesting. The smaller the the value, the better the effect and the slower the speed.
e. Inside the hole: decide whether to place the part in the hole of the waste area of another part. Select to improve the
utilization of the plate with slower nesting speed.
f. Considering incoming: decide whether the edges of the part have leadlines.
g. Automatic combination: combine the placed nesting parts and copy the resulting nesting to speed up nesting.
h. Mirror image: allow the mirroring of the graphic to improve the utilization of the plate.
i. Merge common: turn on the function and complete the nesting on co-edged parts.
j. AutoNEST strategy: select grid to sort the parts in rows and select compact to sort into any space.
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