XC3000Series Motion Control System of Laser Cutting - User Manual
2 Graphic Operation
2.1 Home
2.2.1 Select
There are various ways to select graphics. Basic operation is to click on the graphic contour. Another way is box selection.
Left click and hold the mouse. Then, drag it to create a translucent box to select the graphic.
There are two types of box selection. When drag the mouse from left to right, only the graphic completely covered in the
selection box will be selected. When drag the mouse from right to left, once part of the graphic is in the box, the graphic
will be selected. You may use both types flexibly up to your need.
Click on Select in Home sub-page, and the drop-down bar will pop up. There are more advanced options, as shown
(1) All Select: select all the graphics in current drawing.
(2) Invert Selection: change current selected graphics into unselected.
(3) Deselect: deselect the selected graphics.
(4) Disable Quick Drag: make the graphics in current drawing area can not be dragged.
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