XC3000Series Motion Control System of Laser Cutting - User Manual
3.2 Tree-like Process Structure
3.3 Layer
There are 7 process layers and every one of them can be set separately.
Select the graphic in the drawing area and click on the corresponding layer button on the right. And the graphic will be
processed using the selected layer process, as shown below:
3.4 Processing Mode
Processing mode
Processing Mode
After selecting the function, the process is first carried out along the cutting path using the film
parameters to defilm, and then carried out the normal process according to the layer
parameters. Select the function and you can set the defilm parameter in the FilmCut interface.
Selecting the function, prepierce at the start of the graphic or the start point of the leadline,
before actual cutting. There is also a function of auto-group prepiercing which can be selected
in the global parameter.
Select standard or fixed height cutting. Fixed height cutting refers to cutting at a fixed height.
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