82 / 103 Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
feedback. Limit signal activated means laser head hit limit switch or other situation
trigger the limit sensor. PWM monitors laser status of turning on or off. It also monitors
signal terminal status of 15 inputs and 20 outputs.
'Encoder analysis' can check if encoder feedback same with the motor rotation.
Some functions require consistency of the encoder feedback and motor rotation.
5.7 BCS100
This function requires BCS100 controller. Users can control BCS100 controller
in CypCut software in
including return axis to origin, follow to plate, locate
axis to specified position and calibration etc. Users can also do BCS100 settings
through software.
5.8 QCW
QCW is a laser working mode. Laser working mode contains CW and QCW.CW is
continuous wave and QCW is pulsing type. Click
laser mode.
to set the parameters related this