Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
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Move acceleration
Move Freq
Frame speed
Cut acceleration
Work Freq
PWM Freq
Def Cur
Def Pressure
Gas delay
Initial gas delay
Switch gas delay
Cooling pt delay
Back after stop
Max follow height
Frog style lift
Enable follow in dry run
Disable follow
Only positioning
The max acceleration axis can reach in dry run.
The acceleration jerk of move acceleration.
Speed of frame-walk the workpiece outline.
The max speed axis can reach in cutting.
Acceleration jerk of cut acceleration in cutting.
Default setting
PWM signal frequency when burst laser.
The peak power when burst laser.
Gas pressure when manual control the gas on console panel.
The gas delay in piercing process.
Extra delay when first time open gas after start-up the machine.
The time required to make sure old gas totally discharged and new gas
comes in when switch the gas.
The time of blowing gas at cooling point.
When resume the machining process from pause status, laser head will
move back a distance.
Following parameter
There is limit of follow distance between nozzle and plate surface. If
the follow height larger than this value, Z axis will follow to this height
then lift up to the target height. This parameter is used to set the
maximum follow distance between nozzle and plate surface.
Z axis moves in frog-jump style.
By default setting, Z axis not move in dry run. Select this option will
open follow function in dry run.
Select this option follow function will turn off in machining process.
Applied in nun-metal material cutting, select this option it will disable
follow function in machining.