54 / 103 Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
The power will not be lower than 10% of the laser power, for example 500W
laser will not lower than 500*10%=50W.
If not select
, the cut power will remain not
change in cutting process. In the above example, if not select these two options, the
power in the cutting process is 500 W X 90% X 80% = 360W.
3.13.3 Layer Mapping
Click 'Layer' drop down menu users can lock or display a specified layer by
select options. When there are more than one layers when import DXF file, click
'layer mapping' it will distinguish layers. Shown as below:
3.13.4 Lead Line Technique
When cutting thick plate of stainless steel will generate plasma cloud which will
absorb laser energy and reduce cutting energy, gas can hardly blow off the plasma
cloud at cut height. Lead line technique is applied to solve this issue. After execute
pierce, laser head will stay at a higher position and blow off the plasma cloud, then
slow the speed in horizontal direction to make up the pressure loss.
When cutting thick plate you can set lead line technique including speed,
power, lead height and stable distance.