Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
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Lift height
Fixed height cutting
Extra plate follow
Cut height
Gas type
Gas pressure
Peak power
Cut pwr
Cut Freq
Cut Focus
Delay Time
Laser-off delay
Step time
After process a graphic segment laser head will lift to this height
and move to next start point. When pause the machining, laser head will
lift to this height.
Machining mode
Machining will follow the preset parameters.
Laser head will be at a fixed height in whole cutting process.
Select this mode, the laser head will start outside the plate and follow
to cut height once move within the plate.
Locate laser head at a suitable position, in CypCut-CNC-BCS100-Save
extra-plate follow reference height set the parameter.
Machining parameters
Set the following distance between nozzle and plate.
Set the type of auxiliary gas used in cutting.
Set the pressure of axillary gas in machining, this requires
proportional valve.
Set the peak power of the fiber laser. Peak power determines the
maximum cutting power that the machine can achieve. If the peak
current is set to 80%, the maximum cutting power is 3000W * 80% =
The duty cycle of PWM modulation signal.
The frequency of the PWM modulation signal which is the times of
laser fires within 1 second.
The position between focus with nozzle tip.
The duration of laser firing to confirm laser cut through the
workpiece at the start.
A delay before turn off laser.
Set the time required that laser head descends from pierce height to
cut height.