52 / 103 Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
Extra puffing
Disable follow
Keep puffing
Short move
Evaporate film
Path cool
After finish pierce actions, it will turn off laser and open gas to cool
down the material temperature.
Other parameters
This layer is not going to be processed.
When machining this layer it will close follow function, laser head
will be at a fixed height.
Gas is open in the whole machining process.
This function related with the 'Move optimization in short move'
parameter. If the distance from one graphic end point to next graphic
start point shorter than this value, Z axis will not lift up on this path.
It will pierce at all graphics start point or lead line then start cutting.
In 'Global parameter' window there is 'group pre-piercing', enable this
function it will execute pierce of one group and complete machining of
this group then move to next one. Notice: pre-pierce cannot be selected
with evaporative film.
It will execute filming parameters along the graphics then start
cutting. After you select this option there will show a evaporation layer
After finish machining of one graphic it will turn off laser and
blowing gas along the graphic to cool down the material reduce the heat
effect to the workpiece precision. After you select this option it will show
a Cool layer page.
Slow lead
This used in cutting thick material, it will start cutting in a slow
speed to make sure plate cut through.
The speed in this start length.
Power curve