80 / 103 Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
5.3 PLC Process
in 'CNC' menu users can edit and execute PLC process.
Notice: Inappropriate PLC settings can lead to serious consequences! Please
contact our technicians if you have any doubt.
5.4 Return Origin Point
5.4.1 Return to Mechanical Origin
You can click
in CNC menu to return axes to mechanical origin and
rebuild coordinate. See details in section 'coordinates’. Click
axis will return origin separately. If you select
program will execute the actions when return axes to origin.
5.4.2 Gantry Synchronization
For the machine with gantry design, some problems like two Y axes not
mounted parallel, friction or load
different, will cause gantry position error
affects cutting precision. System will
record the Y1/Y2 Z-signal position at
mechanical origin, then offset the Y axes
position error.
Click Go origin drop down menu
and select