Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
2. Graphic Edit
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2.1 Graphic Display
In Home menu -'View' column provides various options of graphic display.
Click the option button it will take effect immediately and you can see the
display effect change on the screen. The option button shows in yellow indicates the
option enabled. If the option button not in yellow color means function not enabled.
For example, is enabled, graphic will show the cutting path with arrow symbol,
close the arrow symbol disappear.
When ' Show Micons' opened, you can see the white mark at position where you
add micro-joint:
When you click
the graphic will show in the center of the white
Click right down
button will open an option box providing detailed
setting options where allow users to open or close graphic absorb function, ruler etc.
Scroll the mouse on the screen will zoom the view. Click F3 will center all
graphic on the screen, click F4 will center the machine frame on the screen. Right
click mouse will prompt option box, select zoom you can also execute same
operations above.