Friendess CypCut Laser Cutting Control System
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buttons each corresponds with a layer click a button will appoint a layer to selected
graphic; if no graphics selected, click layer color button next time you drawing a
graphic will use it as default layer. Appoint first layer to a graphic, controller will
define this graphic as 'background layer' and not machining. The last and second last
layers are special, the graphics of these 2 layers will be cutting at last or at first. The
second last layer usually used as marking layer.
There are three scrolling text ribbon windows at bottom. On the 'Draw' window
will display all information related with drawing command; On the 'System' window
will display all system information except drawing, each message printed with time
line and marked with different color so users can recognize these message as error,
alarm or notice etc. On the 'Alarm' window displays all alarm messages of red color.
At the bottom is 'Status' bar showing message according different operation.
The left status bar shows graphic message, on the right side displays cursor position,
machining status, laser head position. The rightmost is to fine tune the graphic
position and displaying control card type.
On the right area of the main page is 'Control panel' where users execute most
commonly used machining operations. From top to bottom are coordinate system
selection, manual control button, machining control, process setting and production
1.3.3 Toolbar
CypCut tool bar displays as Ribbon style that partitions function buttons. The
figure below will help you understand: