Video specification form 67
Video specification form
Please fill out the following video specification form with as many details as
possible. You can also obtain a copy of this form on Matrox Imaging’s website.
Section I: Acquisition requirements
Y Use the space provided below to enter a detailed description of your desired camera
operation and acquisition system. Refer to the specific modes available for your
camera. Use diagrams and add extra pages as necessary.
R This information is important to allow us to choose the best way to interface your
A 5 camera with our hardware.
IN 0 _____________________________________________________________
0 _____________________________________________________________
IM 2 _____________________________________________________________
L Y Section II: General information
Please fill out the following:
E A 1. Camera manufacturer: ___________________________________________
R M 2. Model#: _____________________________________________________
3. Camera type:
P 9[ ] Area scan (for example, RS-170 camera) (aperiodic)
[ ] Frame scan (periodic)
1[ ] Line scan
[ ] Other, specify: __________________________________
4. Video data rate: ______ MHz and ______ frames/sec
5. Desired acquisition resolution: _____ H x _____ V