58 Chapter 5: Concrete examples
Using multi-tap cameras
To take advantage of a multi-tap camera’s multiple outputs (which allow for the
simultaneous transfer of two or more pixels), using multi-tap cameras allows for
faster frame rates without increasing the pixel clock frequency. This setup,
however, requires more data lines.
For this example, the single-Full version of the Matrox Odyssey XCL will be used
Y with a multi-tap camera.
The following outlines the steps for this setup:
R 1. In Matrox Intellicam, locate and open the DCF that corresponds the closest to
A 5 the multi-tap camera.
IN 0 2. Make sure to specify a Camera Link board from the drop-down list-box using the
Overview tab.
0 3. From the Camera sub-tab of the Camera tab, select the required number of taps
IM 2 from the Number of taps drop-down list box.
PRE19L MAY 4. Specify the number of taps in the Camera sub-tab of the Camera tab.