Using the digitizer control settings 17
The Digitizer Single Bayer Grab and the Digitizer Continuous Bayer Grab
commands grab an image and starts a live grab (respectively) into an internal buffer
then applies a Bayer conversion to the image before the image is copied to its buffer
in displayed memory. Refer to the Cameras with a Bayer filter section for
information on Bayer settings.
Y Using the digitizer control settings
The DCF specifies the number of acquisition paths and the "initial state" of these
R acquisition paths. To allocate a digitizer on the target system, select it from the list
of digitizers from the digitizer drop-down list box. Some of the initial acquisition
A 5 settings (called digitizer controls), as well as some other initial settings, can be
dynamically modified and/or adjusted afterwards in your application, for example,
IN 0 using MIL-Lite functions.
You can experiment interactively with the various dynamic digitizer controls. To
0 do so, start a continuous grab (for example, using the Digitizer Continuous Grab
command, or click on the Continuous Grab button), and experiment with the
IM 2 various controls provided in the Digitizer Controller dialog box. As you change
the various control settings, you can immediately see the results of your changes
in the image that you are grabbing. This allows you to become familiar with the
capabilities of your board when it is initialized with a particular DCF.
L Y Note that some controls, especially triggers, exposure and switching modes. are
E A best changed when grabbing is halted, or else they might cause Matrox Intellicam
to hang.
Any adjustments made using the Digitizer Controller dialog box will not change
R M the contents of the DCF, since the digitizer controls are applied "on top of" the
DCF’s initial state. In other words, if you specify Channel 1 as the default data
input channel in your DCF (selecting the Input channels options in the Video
P 9Signal tab of the opened DCF) and change the channel number from the Channel
drop-down list box in the Channel tab of the Digitizer Controller dialog box to
12, your grab will be done using Channel 2. However, when you reload the DCF,
Channel 1 will still be the default channel.