66 Appendix A: Video specification form
Providing us with your video specifications
The purpose of the video specification form is two-fold:
• You can use it to help identify and document the various features of your video
source, making it easier for you to create your DCF.
Y • You can use it to provide us with information about your video source in the event
you need help creating your DCF.
R If you are having trouble getting your DCF to work properly, we would be glad
A 5 to help you with it.
IN 0 • Forward a copy of the completed form and any other relevant documentation to
the Matrox Imaging Applications Department, either by fax or email. Refer to
the customer support contact numbers found at the back of this manual, or refer
0 to the Matrox Imaging website at http://www.matrox.com/imaging/ for further
information on how to contact us.
IM 2 • Answer all questions in Sections I through IV directly on the form that follows.
Since your camera might support several modes, your answers should reflect the
required mode of operation. Enter N/A for any non-applicable entries.
L Y • If your camera manufacturer has provided you with detailed documentation,
E A include a photocopy of this documentation with your completed form.
• Refer to the manual for your specific frame grabber to know if you must take any
grab limitations into account.
R M The information contained in the form is the minimum required to determine
compatibility between Matrox's imaging hardware and a specific video source.
P 19For more details on any of the terms used in this form, refer to the glossary.