32 Chapter 3: Customizing the DCF
Pixel depth (bits per pixel)
Most digital cameras can output at 8 bits per pixel although some are capable of
outputting at higher bit modes such as 10- or 12-bit cameras. RGB cameras
typically output at 3 x 8 bits (for 24 bits color depth in total). Bayer color cameras
typically support 10-bit images. See the section Cameras with a Bayer filter for
Y more information.
You can set the number of bits that will be digitized (or sent to memory). To do
R so, change data bus width on the Video Signal tab of the DCF dialog box. You
might want to reduce the pixel depth (bits per pixel) to gain speed, or to simply
A 5 test to see if your camera outputs video properly.
IN 0 Analog cameras provide an analog signal which can be digitized at any available
amount of bits per pixel (dependent on the frame grabber), but the most common
is 8 bits per pixel, as there is little advantage in digitizing an 8-bit source into a
0 10-bit image because you do not gain any precision in doing so.
IM 2 Multiple tap cameras
Some cameras can send multiple simultaneous outputs, two or more parts (taps)
L Y of an image for a higher frame rate; ouputting two taps simultaneously provides
twice the bandwidth as a single-tap camera.
E A Examples of 2-tap cameras
R M1
P 92
1 222
Example of
4-tap camera
RGB cameras can also be considered 3-tap cameras but are usually simply referred
to as RGB cameras.