52 Chapter 5: Concrete examples
Interfacing a line scan camera
This section describes examples interfacing with a line scan camera. Some will be
dealing with different target frame grabbers.
Acquiring digital data using Camera Link line scan cameras
Y For this example, the dual-Base version of Matrox Odyssey XCL will be used with
a line scan camera.
R The following outlines steps for this setup:
A 5 1. In Matrox Intellicam, locate and open the DCF that corresponds the closest to
the Camera Link line scan camera.
IN 0 If you are unsure which DCF to use, refer to Application Notes on the
Matrox Imaging website.
0 2. On the Camera sub-tab of the Camera tab, set the type of camera to Line Scan.
IM 2 3. Specify the number of taps using the Camera sub-tab of the Camera tab.
Note that the Error Report dialog might appear, with a description of an error
L Y or warning. You can usually ignore the message if you are just setting up your
DCF, particularly when changing tap configurations and data depth values.
Once you have corrected the error or warning, the Error Report dialog will
E A close automatically. However sometimes, the message will close only once you
PR19 M have corrected the error or warning and switched tabs in the DCF dialog.