40 Chapter 4: Using exposures, triggers, and user-defined signals
3. Activate the grab by clicking on the Grab button.
4. Send a trigger. Note that it will time out after only a few seconds once a grab is
started and a trigger is not received.
The default value for the timeout period is specified in MIL. Refer to the MIL
documentation for further details.
Y 5. Verify the frame rate at the right of the status bar.
R 6. Click on the Stop button on the main toolbar to stop grabbing.
A 5 Using asynchronous reset trigger and
automatic exposure control
IN 0 In a triggered grab using asynchronous reset mode, the frame grabber receives an
0 external trigger, sends the exposure signal to the camera’s trigger input, then
immediately afterwards, the camera sends the valid frame, which is acquired by
IM 2 the frame grabber.
Only frame grabbers that support non-standard cameras allow for asynchronous
reset operations. When you supply a trigger to the frame grabber, make sure to set
L Y the correct options in the Grab Characteristics area of the Grab Mode tab in the
DCF dialog box. Select the
E A When using asynchronous reset mode in Matrox Intellicam, make sure to specify
asynchronous reset mode by setting the activation mode to Asynchronous Reset
on the Grab Mode tab of the DCF dialog box.
R M If the camera is set to asynchronous reset mode with an internal exposure control,
the timer will be used as a trigger. If the camera is set to asynchronous reset mode
P 9with an external exposure control, the timer will be used to control the camera’s