63 FSCUT2000C laser cutting control system User Manual
6.7.2 Determine the machine origin
Before measurement error, we must first determine the machine origin. Screw
pitch compensation is compensated by the machine origin as a reference. If the
origin used by error measurement is different from the origin operating after machine
compensation, then the pitch compensation will become meaningless. The machine
homing origin can be set in the platform configuration tool of CypCut, as shown
As long as conditions allow, be sure to select "Use Z signal", which will greatly
enhance the accuracy of homing origin. BMC1604V2 motion control card matched with
CypCut provides encoder input to each axis, to extremely ensure accuracy.
Please select the direction X and Y axes home origin based on machine actual
design. The direction of homing origin directly determines in which quadrant of the
coordinate system the machine will run. If you select the "negative direction" to home
origin, then the machine will run in the range of positive coordinates, otherwise the
machine will run in the range of negative coordinates.
If possible, please repeatedly home origin by CypCut, then measure the accuracy
of homing origin by laser interferometer. Usually, the position of every homing origin
does not differ more than 5 microns.
6.7.3 Determine pulse equivalent
Due to the processing precision and assembly errors, often, there’s difference
between the pulse equivalent calculated by theory and the actual machine pulse
equivalent. The pulse equivalent can be accurately measured by laser interferometer.
Make the machine runs at a distance by transmitting a specified number of pulses