Friendess CypOne Laser Cutting Control Software
4.1.1 Mechanic Coordinate
Mechanic coordinate is a unique existence decided by mechanism and machine
config. Coordinate created any time after return origin is consistent. If mechanic
coordinate deviated, click
in CNC tab to reset coordinate.
The definition to coordinate in CypOne is same no matter what mechanism
structure is. In CypOne definition, laser head moves right to workpiece is X+
direction, laser head moves back towards workpiece is Y+ direction. Hence the
bottom right in workpiece located smallest coordinate value, the top right in
workpiece located biggest coordinate value.
4.1.2 Software Coordinate
Mechanic coordinate is fixed, CypOne adopts
software coordinate that facilitates the production.
The direction of CypOne software coordinate
same with mechanic coordinate, only zero point
different. Software coordinate contains float
coordinate and workpiece coordinate.
You can select coordinate on top of the
control panel, there listed 'float coordinate', nine 'workpiece coordinate' and one
'external coordinate'.
Float coordinate used in small quantity parts production, laser will start cutting
from where it stands. Execute 'Frame', 'Dry Run' or 'Start', part zero will be current
position of laser head.
User can appoint a zero point manually to each workpiece coordinate 1-9.
Workpiece coordinate applied in large quantity production, sheet material of standard