Friendess CypOne Laser Cutting Control Software
2.8.2 Break Line
‘Break Line’ is to break a closed geometry or open figure into segments. Click
'Break Line ' and point on geometry. Break function will keep functioning until switch
to other command or press ECS turn off the function.
2.8.3 Delete Invisible
There are unneeded geometries too small and invisible in a drawing that will
cause laser head located to a strange position in cutting. Click in Home > Optimize >
Delete Invisible, then define the size of the shapes to be deleted. The shapes smaller
than specified size will be deleted while others preserved.
2.8.4 Delete Duplicate
Lines of geometry lying together make it visually look like one line which cause
unnecessary and repeated cutting damage the workpiece. Click 'Delete Duplicate ' will
delete the duplicates by given tolerance.
2.8.5 Join Line
There are lines visually connected but not joined and hard to identify even zoom
close. Select geometries and click 'Join Line' can join all line segments within given