Friendess CypOne Laser Cutting Control Software
3. Technique Setting and Tools
The chapter describes the techniques in laser cutting. You have to set the cutting
technique fit your cutting condition considering that the actual cutting performance
directly related with material, laser and gas etc. All parameters should be considered
as reference not a guide value.
Improper or incorrect parameters may result in bad cutting performance even
damage the machine.
3.1 Lead Line
3.1.1 Inner & Outer Contour
CypOne can identify the inner and outer contour of part geometry automatically.
After modify the part geometry the inner/outer relations will change, click
in ‘Sort’ drop down menu will identify the inner/outer
relation of changed part geometries.
The principle to identify the inner/outer relations in CypOne works like this: the
outmost contour is outer contour and next to it is inner contour, open figure not
considered in. If you want to specify an outer contour within a part geometry, group
all shapes inside this contour and set sequence within this group.
Lead line introduce to part from outside outer contour, inside from inner contour.
Select a contour and click
to change contour relation.