Friendess CypOne Laser Cutting Control Software
different color so users can recognize these message as error, warning or notice etc. In
'Alarm' window displays all alarm messages in red color.
The status bar at the very bottom will display message to different operation and
mode. The 'Fine Tune' at bottom right is to move object by direction button in a
precise distance. The rightmost shows control card model.
On the right side is Control Panel where users execute most commonly used
machining operations. From top to bottom are coordinate options, manual control
buttons, machining control buttons, process options and production counter.
1.3.3 Menu Bar
CypOne tool bar displayed in Ribbon style that groups options in different tabs to
facilitate user operations. The picture below will help you understand:
There are two tabs of Home and CNC, click each tab open the sub-menu. There
will be a third tab 'Working' when machine in a cutting process.
In each tab the options are arranged in different function column like 'View' and
'Transformation' etc. The buttons are large size for convenient operation. There might
be small buttons like under right corner of function column, click the button will
open a dialog box.
under function button will open a drop-down list of more options.