Friendess CypOne Laser Cutting Control Software
'Select similar' is to select all objects of same shape and size with specified one.
For example, select a circle of 5mm radius, then click 'select similar' will select all
circles of 5mm radius on drawing board.
2.3 Geometric Transform
In Home > Transformation column provides options to modify geometry. Select a function
option then select an object on drawing board to apply the effect like flip, rotate or align etc.
2.3.1 Size Modification
CypOne provides 7 options under ‘Scale’ drop down
menu to quick modify the geometry size. Pictured as right:
For example, '100mm' will scale the object with the size
of 100mm, '2 times' will enlarge the object 2 times larger.
Click Scale button will open dialog box to change
geometry in precise size, input new size and click OK.