These next steps walk you through assigning
layers to profiles, based on different toolpath-
ing requirements. Earlier, in “Add Layers” on
page 73, we defined layers for inside and out-
side profiles, as well as holes, pocket cuts, and
text etching.
In this part of the exercise, you’ll keep it simple
by assigning only inside profiles, outside pro-
files, and holes to each of the chair parts. (You’ll
get to explore pocket cuts and etching in other
parts of this book.)
In addition to working with components and
layers, you’ll also work with SketchUp’s Make
Group tool. Unlike components, groups are dis-
crete entities, which in this case are nested
inside a component. Grouping vectors is essen-
tial for modeling and layer management in
SketchUp. It preserves a relationship between
multiple, separate vectors when exporting
parts into VCarve Pro or other CAM software.
7A: To edit the chair seat component, right-
click on it and select Edit Component.
7B: Select both of the small holes on either side
of the chair seat. Place both onto the layer
000_AtFAB Chair_holes by changing the layer
in the Entity Info box with the drop-down menu.
The holes should turn red.
7C: With both holes still selected, right-click
and select Make Group to group them. Place
the grouped holes onto the layer 000_AtFAB
7D: Select the slot in the middle of the chair
seat and place its vectors onto 000_AtFAB
Chair_profile inside (Figure 3-10). The slot
should turn green to match the layer color.
Select Make Group to combine the slot vectors
into a single entity. Place the group onto
000_AtFAB Chair_profile inside.
7E: Turn off those two layers, select the remain-
ing vectors that are exterior profile cuts, and
place the vectors onto 000_AtFAB Chair_profile
outside (Figure 3-11). The outer profile should
turn blue. Group these vectors and put the
group on 000_AtFAB Chair_profile outside.
7F: Exit the component and apply these same
steps with the remaining five components.
When you’re finished, all vectors inside each
component should be grouped with colors that
match the appropriate cut layers. As you edit a
foot and side 2D component, note how all com-
ponent copies automatically update.
7G: When complete, your component palette
shows two sets of components named for the
3D parts and the 2D profiles.
SketchUp forms geometries somewhat differently
from other software programs, so that each part
outline is comprised of multiple segments, with
even arcs comprised of an imperceptible collection
of faceted segments. Components help contain and
manage this collection of vectors, so they act as a
single element. Your workflow might differ in other
software that produces closed polylines or polysur-
faces, and arcs that are defined by equations.