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- PowerRoute-CNC-Router
- Mill Programming Manual.pdf
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1. G Function Description
N015 G17 G41 D02;//cutter compensation left (tool No.2)
N016 G91 X20.0;//specify to use increment to interpolation
N017 Y10.0;
N018 X-10.0;
N019 Y10.0;
N020 X-20.0;
N021 Y-10.0;
N022 X-10.0;
N023 Y-20.0;
N024 X10.0;
N025 Y-10.0;
N026 X20.0;
N027 Y10.0;
N028 X10.0;
N029 Y10.0;
N030 G90 G00 Z10.0;//specify to use absolute positioning
N031 G52 X0.0 Y0.0 Z0.0;//cancel local coordinate
N032 G40 M05;//cancel compensation, spindle stops
N033 M30;//program ends