5.6 Align
EzCad2UNI User’s Manual
Fig 5-15 result of break cross point
Command “Align” will be available only when more than one object is selected in the
workspace. “Align” is used to align the objects users select on the two-dimensional plane. There
are several ways to align:
� Left: All objects align left.
� Right: All objects align right.
� Vertical: All objects align vertical.
These three ways above only support to move objects on horizontal direction.
� Top: All objects align top.
� Bottom: All objects align bottom.
� Horizontal: All objects align horizontal.
These three ways above only support to move objects on vertical direction.
� Center: All objects align center. This way may cause moves on both horizontal and
vertical directions.
Note: The benchmark to align is according to the last object users select, and other objects
align behind it. If you select several objects by “Frame Select”, then the system will hardly
identify which is the last one, and this may cause unexpected alignment. It is strongly
recommended that you select the object which is to be the benchmark at the end when you
want to align several objects.
5.7 JSF font
5.7.1 The definition for the function of JSF font library.
JSF font is the dedicated font of EZCAD software; users can build up their own JSF fonts.
The file with “JSF” postfix is the proprietary font file of EzCad, every JSF font file has one kind
of font.
Fig 5-16
When the user click JSF font, system will show a dialogue as figure 5-17.
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