EzCad2UNI Users Manual
Array num: The column number
Array: The space between two objects on X direction
Array: The space between two objects on Y direction
Calculate by offset distance: The space of the graphs is calculated by offset distance.
(Figure 5-3(a))
Figure 5-3aCalculate by offset distance
Figure 5-3bCalculate by graph distance
Calculate by graph distance: The space of the graphs is calculated by graph distance.
(Figure 5-3(b))
If we select the array type is “Circle”, we can see the figure 5-2(b):
Figure 5-2-b Array dialog box(Circle)
: The graphs array is clockwise or anticlockwise.
Array number: The graph number.
Radius: The radius of the circle.
Start Angle: The angle between the starting graphs of the circle.
Angle: The angle between two graphs.
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