EzCad2UNI Users Manual
Max speed: the maximum rotary speed of expansion axis.
Acc. time: Acceleration time needed when expansion axis moves from minimum speed to
maximum speed.
Goto start position after finished: The expansion axis will go back to the initial position
after finishing marker.
Zero: Whether current expansion axis has zero signal. When expansion axis hasn't enabled
zero signal, it cant set up an absolute coordinates. Therefore, marking a set of parts require
adjusting site to make every processing stay in the same site. So, the system takes expansion axis
as default origin point before processing. After processing a workpiece, the system will move
expansion axis back. In this way each workpiece will process in the same site.
Speed of Go zero: the moving speed of expansion axis looking for zero signal.
Zero time out: Set the time of expansion axis finding zero point. If it overruns it, the system
will present overtime.
We can see axis go zeroin the figure 8-11 when Select zero
Figure 8-11
Axis go zero: It refers to current axis find zero signal automatically and reset coordinates
for examplemark the national capital name
BeijingEast longitude 116.46 degreeNorth latitude 39.92 degree
MoscowEast longitude 37.35 degreeNorth latitude 55.45 degree
CanberraEast longitude 149.08 degreeSouth latitude 35.17 degree
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