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EzCad2UNI User’s Manual
Figure 8-4 Configuration parameter dialog box
Reverse: Reverse the move direction of the expansion axis.
Pulses per round: The pulse numbers each round that the expansion axis rotating. We can
calculate it through following formula:
X=(360/N)* n
X denotes Pulses per round.
N denotes step angle of step motor.
n denotes micro-step set by step motor driver.
Min speed: the minimum rotary speed of expansion axis.
Max speed: the maximum rotary speed of expansion axis.
Acc. time: Acceleration time needed when expansion axis moves from minimum speed to
maximum speed.
Goto start position after finished: The expansion axis will go back to the initial position
after finishing marker.
Zero: Whether current expansion axis has zero-switch input signal. Without zero signal, the
software can’t build up an absolute coordinates. Marking a set of parts, we need make every mark
at the same position. To mark figure at the same position each time, the system takes current
expansion axis as a default original point before marking in the case of without zero signal. After
processed a part, the system moves the axis to the original position automatically. In this way,
each part will be marked in the same position.
If zero is enabled, zero switcher will be found automatically. The software creates an
absolute coordinate after Finding out zero switcher. If the system failed to find out zero switcher,
expansion axis cannot be used until the appointed time set by parameter zero time out has
Note: The switcher used for zero signal must be normal-open type and the signal should be
connected to input port 0.
Speed of Go Zero: The move speed when expansion axis go zero.
Zero time out: The system will present “Zero time out” when failed to reach the position
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