5.2.1 Move
EzCad2UNI Users Manual
: stroll Tool for moving objects
Position: the coordinates of the current selected object
datum mark. This function is the same as the Position which
is introduced in object label of properties toolbar in chapter
: select a datum mark of an object
Relative Position: use relative coordinates
: Activate the modification
: This item is used to copy the
current selected object and move it into a new place.
5.2.2 Rotate
Figure 5-4 Transformation
: rotate your object
When selected, a parameter setting will appear in the Transformation Setting Box as Figure
5-5 shows.
Angle: angle to rotate
Center: the coordinates of the current selected object
datum mark
: Select a datum mark of an object
Relative Center: change the current coordinates into
relative coordinates
: Apply. Let the modification of
the current object active
: This item is used to copy the
current selected object and rotate it into a new place.
5.2.3 Mirror
Figure 5-5 Rotate
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