EzCad2UNI Users Manual
1First establishes a keyboard variable text:
establish text—→enable variable text—→add—→keyboard, such as the figure 4-50-a:
Figure 4-50-a Keyboard
2. Input prompting message, click OK, then we can obtain the figure 4-50-b.
3. Select Advancethen the dialog
box will be displayed shown as Figure
4. Selects enable split string to
change other text entityto revise has
assigned the name text object, click
Addthen the dialog box will be
displayed shown as Figure 4-50-c.
Index of the first character in
string: In the TEXT1 text the first
character is the several characters in
the keyboard variable text character
Figure 4-50-b Keyboard text parameter
The number of characters to extract from string: extract how many characters in the
keyboard variable text's character string.
The name of text entity which you want to change: The fixed text name the split read's
character is at.
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