EzCad2UNI Users Manual
Chapter 3 Edit Menu
Edit Menucarries out the editing operation of an object. (Figure 3-1)
3.1 Undo (U) / Redo (R)
Figure 3-1 Edit Menu
Undowill undo the last action that the user made in EzCad2. For example, if the user
deleted an object accidentally, clicking Undo will bring the program back one step to where that
item still existed. And the user also can select Redoto redo the last action which has just been
3.2 Cut (T) / Copy (C) / Paste (P)
Cutwill delete the object selected from EzCad2 and copy it to the clipboard. It can be
inserted back into the .ezd file later using Pastefunction. Note that it will be lost if other data is
copied to the clipboard.
Copywill copy the selected object to the clipboard and reserve the current object.
Pastewill paste the object from the clipboard to current document file.
The shortcut keys of Cut, Copyand Pasterespectively are: Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
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