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EzCad2UNI User’s Manual
: This icon indicates that the system will export a
high-level voltage (TTL compatible) when the operation is
taking place at the current output port.
: This icon indicates that the system will export a
low-level voltage (TTL compatible) when the operation is taking
place at the current output port.
: This icon indicates that the system will export a
Figure 4-63 Output Parameter
: This icon indicates that the system will export a pulse.
4.13 Select
on the top of the Draw Toolbar is used to select object. The pressed-down state
of this icon indicates that the current command is “select”. Now, you can use mouse to click object
in the workspace to select it. EzCad2 software has “auto-snap” function. When you move the
mouse in the workspace and approach to a curve, the mouse pointer will automatically be changed
into , and now you can press the left button of the mouse to select the object.
Figure 4-64 Select Toolbar
You can also select an object by moving the mouse while pressing the left button of the
mouse, and there will be a dashed frame appearing in the area as the mouse move. This selection
method is called “Frame Select”. If the moving direction of the mouse is from left to right, then
only the objects completely involved in the dashed frame will be selected; and if the moving
direction of the mouse is from right to left, then all the objects touched by the dashed frame will
be selected.
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