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Under the command “Polygon”, users can press the left
button of the mouse and drag it to draw a polygon.
After drawing and selecting, the Properties Toolbar will
display a feature like Figure 4-6 shows.
Edge Num: This item indicates the number of the
polygon’s borders, and that is at least three. Normally the
border number is less than ten, and with borders more than ten
the polygon will look like a circle.
: When selected, the current polygon to be drawn will
be a convex polygon.
: When selected, the current polygon to be drawn will be
a star.
EzCad2UNI User’s Manual
Figure 4-6 Polygon Properties
4.7 Text
Typing text directly in the workspace is supported in EzCad2, and many types of fonts are
supported. To type text, users can select command “Text” in the
Draw Menu or click icon.
Under the command “Text”, users can set up a starting point
at any position wanted in the workspace to type characters by left
click mouse.
4.7.1 Character Properties
When selected, the Properties Toolbar will display a feature
like Figure 4-7 shows. Users may change the characters by typing
in the text box.
EzCad2 supports five types of text. (Figure 4-8)
When users select a type, a font list under that type will
appear to show all the available fonts. Figure 4-9 is the list of
4-7 Character Properties
Figure 4-8 Types of Text
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