Start SN: the first serial number to be marked at the moment.
Current SN: the serial number to be marked at present.
Limit Final SN: When it comes to the marking of limit serial number, the
system will return to the start serial number automatically.
Increment Serial: It refers to the increment of the current serial number. When
set as a negative value, the serial number will decrease progressively.
When the increment of the current serial number is 1, and the start serial
number is 0000, each number will be added with 1 based on its previous
number, for example, 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003 … 9997, 9998, 9999. When it
comes to 9999, the system will return to 0000 automatically.
When the increment of the current serial number is 5, and the start serial
number is 0000, the serial numbers are: 0000, 0005, 0010, 0015, 0020,
0025…..and so forth.
Marks Per: the number of serial numbers to be marked required for the
change of serial number per time.
Each MarksIt means that the serial number will not be changed until the
specified number is processed for each serial number. Then, after
machining to the specified number, the serial number is changed again
to cycle.
Current Marks.: The marking times of the current serial number. When it
equals to Marks Per, it will turn to 0 automatically.
Current Marks.: It means that the serial number will not be changed until the
specified number is processed for each serial numberThen, after machining
to the specified number, the serial number is changed again to cycle.
Mode: the carry mode of the current serial number.
: The system will filter out serial numbers whose
certain digit is a particular value after it is selected. The means that the
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