1. 压缩机产品说明 Compressor product description
1. 螺杆压缩机有关说明 Description of screw compressor
Compared with other types of compressors, screw compressor has higher reliability, fewer parts and no wearing
parts, so it operates reliably and has a long life. Compared with reciprocating air compressor, the noise is less, the
pressure transmission is more stable, the operation efficiency is high, and the use scene is rich
2. 使用范围 Scope of use
This series of machines and units are manufactured according to mature technology and accepted safety rules.
However, there may still be a threat to the life and limb of users or third parties, or damage to machinery and other
material property, if the following conditions occur
·使用范围不正确 The scope of use is incorrect
·由不合格人员操作 Operated by unqualified personnel
·不合理地修改或改变机器 Unreasonably modify or alter the machine
·不遵守安全规则 Not following safety rules
Therefore, anyone authorized to operate, maintain or repair the machine must read and follow the safety
procedures. If necessary, a signature can be requested to confirm this.
In addition, it is necessary to observe:
·有关的事故防范规则 Relevant accident prevention rules
·公认的安全法规 Recognized safety regulations
·国家法规 National laws and regulations
This series of machines and units must be used under perfect technical conditions, and must be used in
accordance with the scope of use and guidelines stipulated in the operation manual. Users must have safety
awareness and be fully aware of the risks in operation of the machine. If any functional failure occurs, especially if it
affects safety, it must be repaired (or repaired) in time!
Within the scope of use, operation and maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the instructions in
the user manual!