- You are here:
- AM.CO.ZABuythisCNC Utilities Homepage
- Other-Softwares
- Foldersweb
- Manual.pdf
- Page 5 of 9
o If a navigation string was generated as explained above, and it is non-empty, the
generated navigation string substituted into this placeholder will be: <!--
Navigation: list begin -->generated navigation list<!--
Navigation: list end -->
o If a _links.html file was found in the current folder, and it is empty, the generated
links string substituted into this placeholder will be: <!-- Links: file
blank -->
o If a _ links.html file was found in the current folder, and it is non-empty, the
generated links string substituted into this placeholder will be similar to: <!--
Links: file begin -->contents of _links.html<!-- Links:
file end -->
o If no _links.html file was found in the current folder, a listing of the files and
folders in the current folder being indexed will be generated. An example listing:
<li class="folder is-folder empty">Empty
<li class="folder is-folder"><a href="Non-
empty%20folder/">Non-empty folder</a></li>
<li class="folder compressed zip is-folder is-
compressed is-zip"><a
<li class="folder compressed rar is-folder is-
compressed is-rar"><a
<li class="file is-file is-txt is-file-txt"><a
o Folders:
CSS classes: folder / is-folder
Conditional CSS classes: compressed / empty / rar / zip / is-
compressed / is-rar / is-zip
o Files:
CSS classes: file / is-file / is-ext / is-file-ext (where “ext” is the
filename extension, e.g. txt or pdf, resulting in file is-file is-txt is-file-
txt, file is-file is-pdf is-file-pdf, etc.).
o If a links string was generated as explained above, and it is empty, the generated
links string substituted into this placeholder will be: <!-- Links: list
empty -->