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- Foldersweb
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</head> tag, before the first <meta> tag, or otherwise prepended, into the
generated header string, that is substituted into this placeholder.
o If a _header.html file was found in the current folder, the generated header string
substituted into this placeholder will be similar to: <!-- Header: begin -
->contents of _header.html<!-- Header: end -->
o If no _header.html file was found in a folder, the generated header string
substituted into this placeholder will be: <!-- Header: blank -->
o If a _content.html file was found in the current folder, the generated content
string substituted into this placeholder will be similar to: <!-- Content:
begin -->contents of _content.html<!-- Content: end -->
o If no _content.html file was found in the current folder, the generated content
string substituted into this placeholder will be: <!-- Content: blank -->
Other-Softwares Foldersweb Manual.pdf Page 4 of 9
o If a _navigation.html file was found in the current folder, and it is empty, the
generated navigation string substituted into this placeholder will be: <!--
Navigation: file blank -->
o If a _navigation.html file was found in the current folder, and it is non-empty, the
generated navigation string substituted into this placeholder will be similar to:
<!-- Navigation: file begin -->contents of
_navigation.html<!-- Navigation: file end -->
o If no _navigation.html file was found in the current folder, a breadcrumb trail to
the folder being indexed will be generated, by splitting the path of the current
folder into portions divided by the \ character, and writing each portion as a
navigation link. For example,
Root folder: C:\My Websites\example.com\Webroot
Sub-folder: C:\My Websites\example.com\Webroot\Projects\Test
Navigation listing generated:
<li><a href="/Projects/">Projects</a></li>
<li><a href="/Projects/Test%20Project/">Test
o If a navigation string was generated as explained above, and it is empty, the
generated navigation string substituted into this placeholder will be: <!--
Navigation: list empty -->