18. Appendix
(4) The ‘Total Length’, ‘Total Packet’ of the loaded OS are displayed.
(5) Click ‘Start’to begin transmission. The system decounts 10 seconds while it clears the drive’s
internal memory (at this time, in case of Drive L7NH, L7P, the 7-segment should display ‘USB”. In
case of PEGASUS, the ‘ERR” red LED should be on.)
Figure 3-13.6
(6) The OS is automatically transmitted after the memory is cleared. You can see the current
progress through the progress bar and ‘current packet.’ (⭢㋑ヹ⎁䅹 OS ᚵ㉅Ẏ㊹ⱖọ┥,
㾹⌑⊽ⵙ⛉ヵ ‘Current Packet’.(The transmission time varies depending on the PC’s
performance, from tens of seconds to a few minutes.)