11. Tuning
11.2 ManualGainTuning
11.2.1 Order Gain Tuning
When using a cascade-type controller, first tune the gain of the speed controller positioned
inside, and then tune the gain of the position controller positioned outside.
That is, the order tuning is gain integralgain Feedforwardgain.
The role of each gain is as follows.
- Proprtion gain: determines controller BW
- Integralgain: determines error of the steady state, causes overshoot
- Feedforwardgain: improves the system’s lag characteristic
- Differential gain: damping for the system (not provided)
SpeedController Tuning
(1) Inertial ratio setting
- Use automatic inertia estimation function, or manual tuning
(2) Proportion gainsetting
- Torque/noise monitoring before vibration occurs
(3) Integralgainsetting
- Speed overshoot and steady-state error monitoring
- If you want to increase integralgain but overshoot occurs, you can use the P/PI
conversion mode
- The integral gain of this drive is integraltime constant,
(4) Speedcommandfilterandspeedfeedbackfiltersetting
PositionController Tuning
(1) Porportion gainsetting
- Torque, position error, noise monitoring before vibration occurs
(2) Feedforward setting
- Positionerror monitoring
- Feedforward filtercan be set
- If you want to increase feed forward but overshoot occurs, set filter
- Feedforward value can be set from 0 to 100%. The value is the ratio of the position
command value currently being input against the difference