9. Homing
Methods 7, 8, 9, 10
Reverse direction
Forward direction(CCW)
The speed profile for each sequence in case of using Homing Method 7 is as shown below.
Please see the explanations below. The sequence varies in each of the three cases below,
depending on the load position at the time of homing and the relationship of home switches.
Please see the explanations below. Please see the explanations below for further details.
(1) Cases where the home witch is off when homing begins, and the limit is not met in the
(A) The initial direction is forward (CCW). The motor operates at the switch search speed.
(B) When the positive limit switch (POT) is on, the motor decelerates to Zero search speed, and the direction changes to
reverse (CW).
(C) While operating at Zero searchspeed, the first index pulse is detected, and the motor rotates to the index position (Home).