4.11.2 Laser parameters
Laser config:Single tube/pipe is optional, according to the number of laser tube manufacturers actual
configuration Settings
Laser mode:Glass tube, radio frequency laser (don't need precombustion pulse) and radio frequency laser (need
precombustion pulse) optional
Laser attenuation、Min power、Max power、Laser freq、precombustion freq:
Precombustion pulse:For radio frequency (%) laser and precombustion pulse, frequency and precombustion
by precombustion pulse width configuration precombustion characteristics of the pulse.
Signal level:
Water protect:When can make water protection, the controller must be connected to water protection circuit,
the machine won't out of the light, if we do not make water to protect, don't pick up the water protection circuit,
the controller will not detect.
Laser frequency used by the control signal is used to set the laser pulse frequency, the glass tube, generally set to
about 20 KHZ, Radio frequency tube usually about 5 KHZ;Maximum/minimum power (%) is used to set the limits
of the laser power value, namely at runtime, users to set maximum power can not be higher than the set value of
maximum power, user Settings cannot under minimum power value for the setting of the minimum power
value;Use after a period of time, if the laser power attenuation, is by setting the attenuation coefficient to
fine-tuning of laser power, laser without attenuation, attenuation coefficient of 0.
Prompt:If single laser tube is configured, it only shows a laser parameters
4.11.3 Other vendor parameters
Machine type:For the most part should choose general engraving machine, other models for a particular model
Transmission mode:Under normal circumstances should choose "step type belt", choose other type, control
algorithm will have small change
Feed mode:A one-way/two-way optional.When for one-way feeding, do not check the coordinate, but has been
unilaterally upward;When selecting a two-way feeding, the system will check the maximum minimum coordinates,
an odd number of times to one direction, even time to another direction, first initial direction by setting the
direction of polarity to change or modify feeding the length of the positive and negative value
Broken delay:Can be set to 0 ~ 3000 ms.After power grid, the system power supply does not immediately
reduced to 0 v, during a time delay, the power set delay value should be the actual delay values are basically
identical.If the value is set, the deflection is in power to continue carving work, a second processing of graphics
and graphics or not closed before power, or too much overlap
Enable protect:If can make this, the controller must be open protection circuit is connected, otherwise the
machine will not work
Enable blower:If want to use the outlet Wind signal layer and control the fan switch, you must make to the
parameters, otherwise, the Wind signal output to other signals
Prompt:Manufacturers in the parameter configuration parameters, such as the direction of polarity, control mode,
the types of laser and laser frequency modified four parameters, it is necessary to reset the system, reset after the