For Example Cut Scale, As the following figure shown, the actual graphic is round, and the red
rectangle outside the circle is the smallest rectangle, click button Cut Scale, laser head will be cut
along the rectangle.
4.5 Start、Pause、Stop、Save To UFile、UFile Output、Download
Start:Output the current graphic to the machine for processing.
Pause\Continue:Click Pause,will stop the processing work, click the button again to Continue
Stop:Stop the current processing work
Save To UFile:
Save current file as RD format,using for offline processing(Can be copied to other memory board
for full offline operation)。
UFile Output:
Output the offline file (RD format)
After save offline file, click Ufile Output to select rd file to processing.
Download the file to the memory of the controller , then user can start the file through the machine
4.6 Output select graphics
After check Output select graphics,then only output the selected part, rather than not output the
part not selected.
4.7 Path optimize
After check Path Optimize,then automatically perform the path optimize before the output.
If has done the Path optimize or not need optimize, then not check Path Optimize can reduce
waiting time.